Voiced are produced with
vibration of the vocal chords and when the vocal chords are spread apart, the
air from the lungs passes between them unimpeded.
Voiceless are produced
with breath alone, and when the vocal chords are drown together, the air from
the lungs repeatedly pushes them apart as it passes through, creating a
phonetics symbol and example words from Voiced
Phonetic symbols
Example words
Pronunciation words
[ b ]
[ d ]
[ g ]
[ m]
[ n ]
[ v ]
[ z ]
[ з ]
[ d з ]
[ w ]
[ j ]
[ l ]
[ ð ]
[ ŋ ]
[ r ]
Lab, globe, bite
Food, do, did
Go, bag, get
Man, dime, must
Down, ton, no
Vest, have, halve
Zero, zoo, does
Garage, vision
Edge, June, rage
Water, one, wife
You, yes, million
Let, lit, lip
They, other, then
Sing, think, thank
Red, rich, race
/læb/, /gl∂℧b/, /báІt /
/f℧;t/, /du:/, /dІd/
/g∂℧/, /bæg/, /get/
/mæn/, /dáІm/, m∂st/
/dá℧n/, /tΛn/, /n∂℧/
/vest/, /hæv/, /hα:v/
/’zi∂r∂℧/, /zu:/, /dΛz/
/’gærα: з/, /vІз∂n/
/edз/, /dзu:n/, /reidз/
/w : t∂(r)/, /wΛn/, /wáІf/
/ju:/, /jes/, /’mІlj∂n/
/let/, /lit/, /lip/
/ ðeІ/, /’Λð∂(r)/, /ðen/
/sІŋ/, /θІŋk/, /θæŋk/
/red/, /rІt∫/, /reІs/
phonetics symbol and example from Voiceless
Phonetics symbol
Pronunciation words
[ p ]
[ t ]
[ f ]
[ s ]
[h ]
[ k ]
[ θ ]
[ ∫ ]
[ t∫ ]
Hope, happy, cup
Ten, tin, tick
Fine, office, life
See, city, sell
He, hat, who
Keep, cat, take
Three, path, thin
Shoe, action, lash
Watch, change, snatch
/h∂℧p/, /hæpi/, /kΛp/
/ten/, /tin/, /tik/
/fáin/, /’ fis/,
/si: /, /’sІti/, /sel/
/hi: /, /hæt/, /hu: /
/ki: p/, /kæt/, /teik/
/θri: /, /pa: θ/, /θІn/
/∫u: /, /’æk∫n/, /læ∫/
/W t∫/, /t∫eІndз/, /snæt∫/
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